Here are some of my convictions about preaching the Bible:
I believe that the power of God’s Holy Spirit and the Gospel and God’s Word are still mighty to save people of all ages and to help them grow spiritually in Christlikeness.
I believe there is still a need in the local church for verse by verse, book by book expository preaching and teaching of the Bible from the pulpit every Sunday.
The only Bible some professing Christians and church-goers ever hear is a sermon on Sunday morning. That means those of us who preach need to take our pulpit ministry of God’s Word very seriously, and not offer substitutes for the Bible, no matter how entertaining and relevant they may seem. I don’t think we have to choose between strong Biblical content and modern methods and media to communicate God’s truth in order to change people’s lives.
One of my strongest convictions is that we pastors and preachers must preach messages that are both faithful to God’s Word and culturally relevant to today’s Christians. This is vitally important if we are going to reach the unchurched and unsaved as well as children, young people and families.
I am convinced that churches worldwide need to prioritize reaching our younger generations. Unfortunately, many children do not understand sermons. Many teenagers are bored in church. Many young adults and college students have stopped attending church and have no interest in returning. We preachers and teachers of God’s Word must pray and work hard to find creative ways to communicate the eternal truths of the Bible to these younger generations in ways they can understand and relate to without sacrificing Biblical content.
Through this website, I invite you to join me as your preaching friend. Let’s walk together to improve our preaching and teaching of God’s inerrant Word, so people’s lives can be transformed by God’s power, especially the younger generations!